Open office document recovery every time
Open office document recovery every time

open office document recovery every time

Next time you open a LibreOffice file with LibreOffice it won't force you to go through the tedius recovery failure process.NOTE: Only delete the RecoveryList items that you DO NOT, in fact, want to recover.delete from - will be one line but can appear as several if word wrap is turned on.completely remove any item tags containing the path //RecoveryList.edit registrymodifications.xcu with text editor (such as gedit).make a backup of registrymodifications.xcu.

open office document recovery every time

  • for me from a default install it's stored under /.config/libreoffice/4/user.
  • close any open LibreOffice windows navigate to where LibreOffice stores registrymodifications.xcu.
  • The 'simple' solution for me was to do the following: Ubuntu 14.04.2 with LibreOffice version Hitting Cancel as other posters suggest is not a solution for me because the same dialog keeps being shown every time I close and reopen the application. The way to fix it is to hit cancel on the recovery screen, instead of trying (and failing) the recovery (source). Great! I tried to recreate this issue and now I can't remove the failed recovery screen.

    Open office document recovery every time